Thursday, July 29, 2021

[WARNING : MESSAGE ENCRYPTED] Notice from MFC, a division of Nedbank for Account 5846xxxx306

Experience our
new online banking.

Fast Fast
Easy Easy
Secure Secure

This enhanced banking experience is packed with new features. While functionality is currently limited and not yet available to business users, many great updates are coming soon!

While you%9re at it, download our new Money App

Integrated with secure online infrastructure

Dear Client

Attached to this email is an important notice from MFC, a division of Nedbank in terms of account number 5846xxxx306.

The notice contains enhanced security features and to open it, simply follow the following step-by-step instructions:
1. Double-click on the attachment
2. Type in your password (either identity or company registration number)
3. Click ‘OK’

Remember you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader to open the attachment. If you have not downloaded the Adobe Reader yet, you can do so from the Adobe website (

Also, please advise us if your email address changes to ensure that you receive all future notices safely, on time, every time.

Yours sincerely

MFC, a division of Nedbank


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