Hello, 🥰 Dawn want to meet you! Click here: http://php-api.engageya.com/oper/https_redirect.php?url=%68%74%74%70%73%3a%2f%2f%6c%6f%63%61%6c%67%69%72%6c%70%6c%61%63%65%2e%6c%69%66%65%2f%3f%75%3d%32%76%74%70%64%30%64%26%6f%3d%79%77%75%67%75%75%39%26%6d%3d%31%26.
Thanks for trying out WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. You can download your copy from this URL:
=> http://writesparks.com/writesparks-lite.html
(If you have trouble downloading, shoot me an e-mail, let me know that you are able to accept attachments and I will e-mail the program to you as a zipped file.)
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite is a PC-compatible software. (It won't run on a Mac.) The only requirements for the software are a Windows platform (95/98/ME/XP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8) and Internet Explorer 4.0 or above.
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite contains at least a month of writing prompts. It does not expire. You can give it away to friends, offer it as a free download on your site or as a gift to your e-zine subscribers.
Aside from receiving the download link, you will also receive original articles on writing and creativity, which I authored, and more writing prompts. These articles are sent once in a while exclusively to more than 15,000 writers who are using WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. These articles contain no third-party advertisements or endorsements. (I don't promote other people's stuff.) I neither trade, sell or divulge e-mail addresses to third parties. Each article/e-mail (including this one) carries with it an unsubscribe link at the end in case you prefer not to receive future articles.
I hope you enjoy WriteSparks!(tm) Lite, 🥰 Dawn want to meet you! Click here: http://php-api.engageya.com/oper/https_redirect.php?url=%68%74%74%70%73%3a%2f%2f%6c%6f%63%61%6c%67%69%72%6c%70%6c%61%63%65%2e%6c%69%66%65%2f%3f%75%3d%32%76%74%70%64%30%64%26%6f%3d%79%77%75%67%75%75%39%26%6d%3d%31%26. Have a wonderful day/night!
Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
*Creator, WriteSparks! Software for Writers
PS: Start journaling today! Please check out my two books, "The Journaling Life: 21 Types of Journals You Can Create and Record Pieces of Your Life" and "The Authentic Self: Journaling Your Joys, Griefs and Everything in Between". Order an autographed copy of one or both books today and receive bo.nus gifts. Shipping is fr.ee anywhere in the US :o).
The Journaling Life book:
=> http://writesparks.com/lm/link.php?id=447e5c4journalinglife
The Authentic Self book:
=> http://writesparks.com/lm/link.php?id=447e5c4authenticself
If you prefer not to receive further e-mails, here's how to stop it:
=> http://writesparks.com/lm/rem.php?u=447e5c4
AOL users, <a href= "http://writesparks.com/lm/rem.php?u=447e5c4" > go here </a>
Friday, April 29, 2022
Thursday, April 28, 2022
[writesparks.com] Download link for WriteSparks! Lite
Hello, 🥰 Dawn want to meet you! Click here: http://php-api.engageya.com/oper/https_redirect.php?url=%68%74%74%70%73%3a%2f%2f%6c%6f%63%61%6c%67%69%72%6c%70%6c%61%63%65%2e%6c%69%66%65%2f%3f%75%3d%32%76%74%70%64%30%64%26%6f%3d%79%77%75%67%75%75%39%26%6d%3d%31%26.
Thanks for trying out WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. You can download your copy from this URL:
=> http://writesparks.com/writesparks-lite.html
(If you have trouble downloading, shoot me an e-mail, let me know that you are able to accept attachments and I will e-mail the program to you as a zipped file.)
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite is a PC-compatible software. (It won't run on a Mac.) The only requirements for the software are a Windows platform (95/98/ME/XP) and Internet Explorer 4.0 or above.
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite contains at least a month of writing prompts. It does not expire. You can give it away to friends, offer it as a free download on your site or as a gift to your e-zine subscribers.
Would you like to receive original articles on writing and creativity as well as more writing prompts (and some goodies) straight to your inbox? These articles, which I authored, are sent once in a while exclusively to more than 12,500 writers who are using WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. They contain no third-party advertisements or endorsements. (I don't promote other people's stuff.) I neither trade, sell or divulge e-mail addresses to third parties. Each article/e-mail carries with it an unsubscribe link at the end in case you prefer not to receive future articles.
If you'd like to receive these articles, please click the confirmation link below. (If you'd rather not receive articles, do nothing -- you will not receive further e-mails from me, and you can keep the WriteSparks!(tm) Lite.)
=> http://writesparks.com/lm/confirm.php?u=447e5c4
I hope you enjoy WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. Have a wonderful day/night!
Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
*Creator, WriteSparks! Software for Writers - http://writesparks.com
*Publisher, The e-Writer's Place - http://ewritersplace.com
*Author, Weekly Writes book - http://weeklywrites.com
Thanks for trying out WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. You can download your copy from this URL:
=> http://writesparks.com/writesparks-lite.html
(If you have trouble downloading, shoot me an e-mail, let me know that you are able to accept attachments and I will e-mail the program to you as a zipped file.)
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite is a PC-compatible software. (It won't run on a Mac.) The only requirements for the software are a Windows platform (95/98/ME/XP) and Internet Explorer 4.0 or above.
WriteSparks!(tm) Lite contains at least a month of writing prompts. It does not expire. You can give it away to friends, offer it as a free download on your site or as a gift to your e-zine subscribers.
Would you like to receive original articles on writing and creativity as well as more writing prompts (and some goodies) straight to your inbox? These articles, which I authored, are sent once in a while exclusively to more than 12,500 writers who are using WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. They contain no third-party advertisements or endorsements. (I don't promote other people's stuff.) I neither trade, sell or divulge e-mail addresses to third parties. Each article/e-mail carries with it an unsubscribe link at the end in case you prefer not to receive future articles.
If you'd like to receive these articles, please click the confirmation link below. (If you'd rather not receive articles, do nothing -- you will not receive further e-mails from me, and you can keep the WriteSparks!(tm) Lite.)
=> http://writesparks.com/lm/confirm.php?u=447e5c4
I hope you enjoy WriteSparks!(tm) Lite. Have a wonderful day/night!
Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
*Creator, WriteSparks! Software for Writers - http://writesparks.com
*Publisher, The e-Writer's Place - http://ewritersplace.com
*Author, Weekly Writes book - http://weeklywrites.com
Thursday, April 14, 2022

入金不要の新規登録で$30のボーナスが誰でももらえますので、是非最後までお読みください。 ■新規登録は以下URLより行なって下さい。

運営歴は12年とこの業界の中では非常に歴史が長く、運営会社のBreckenridge Curacao B.Vは、ロンドン市場上場会社であるGamesys Group plc(ゲームシス・グループ株式会社)の傘下に入っております。


ベラジョン(Vera&John)カジノはゲームの種類が豊富! おすすめゲームを紹介 ベラジョン(Vera&John)カジノでは約2,000種類以上ものゲームが配信されており、ソフトウェア会社も40社以上が採用されているので、バリエーションに富んだゲームを楽しむことができます。
・ベラジョン(Vera&John)カジノでは2000種類以上のゲームがプレイが可能 ・ベラジョン(Vera&John)カジノ新規登録で$30の特別ボーナス ・ベラジョン(Vera&John)のライセンスと運営会社

オンライン(Vera&John)カジノ運営ライセンスは、厳しい審査を受け、キュラソーゲーミング委員会の基準を満たしたオンラインカジノのみに与えられます。もし不合格となった場合、改善項目を満たすまでライセンスを取得できません。 キュラソーライセンスは、ベラジョンカジノを始めとする、評価の高いオンラインカジノが取得しており、それに伴い信頼性も格段に向上しています。
会社名 Breckenridge Curacao B.V.
会社住所 Emancipatie Boulevard, Dominico F. "Don" Martina 31, Willemstad, Curacao
登記住所 149132 Breckenridge Curacao B.V.
ライセンス Master Gaming License #1668/JAZ
上場/非上場 ナスダックに上場 https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/baly


1. VISA/Master/AMEX/JCBクレジットカード
2. 日本国内銀行
3. コンビニ支払
4. ビットコイン、ライトコイン、リップル、イーサリアム
6. ecoPayz(エコペイズ)
1. 新規登録が完了し、ベラジョン(Vera&John)にログインして頂くと右上に「今すぐ入金」というボタンが出てきますので、そちらをクリックして下さい。
2. 入金方法の選択画面が出て参りますので入金方法を選択して下さい。クレジットカード、ビットコイン、コンビニ、銀行振込などが便利です。
3. 取引金額を入力し、各種決済方法手順に沿って入金を行なって下さい。入金時には「ボーナスを受け取る」に必ずチェックをつけて下さい。
4. 入金完了後ログインして入金履歴画面をご確認ください。
情報 例 注意点
銀行口座名義人 Hanako Yamada アルファベットで名前・苗字の順番で入力
銀行名 楽天銀行 漢字を使って正式名称を入力
銀行口座番号 0123456 全て半角数字で入力
支店住所 東京都千代田区大手町1丁目5-5 漢字で正式名称を入力、ネット銀行は銀行本店の住所を入力
支店番号 001 全て半角数字で入力
銀行コード 0001 全て半角数字で入力
身分証番号 012345678901 アカウント認証で使用した本人確認書類の番号を入力
銀行送金だけでなく、どの出金手段でも 『アカウント認証』 が必要となりますので、以下本人確認書類のいずれか1点をご用意いただき、ベラジョンのマイアカウントより申請を行なって下さい。
出金方法 最低出金可能額 最大出金可能額 手数料 反映時間
銀行送金 $10/約¥1000 $25,000/約¥250万 無料 2営業日
仮想通貨 、Bitcoin (ビットコイン)、Ethereum (イーサリアム) 、Litecoin (ライトコイン) 、Ripple (リップル) $20/約¥2000 $50000/約¥500万 通貨による 1営業日
【本人確認書類】 【住所確認書類】 【クレジットカード】
・外国人登録証 (ARC)(両面)
・住民票 ・水道/電気/電信通話の料金請求書
・カード名義 ・カード番号の初めの6桁と最後の4桁 (例:1231 23XX XXXX 1231)
・裏面はセキュリティ番号(最後の3桁)以外の番号 (例: 1231 xxx)


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