Monday, April 12, 2010

Research considering first year approaches including use of 'podcasts'

The report from this research, conducted by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne is available for download here:

This research makes a very meaningful contribution, as it is:

- Australian
- Current
- Empirically sound

The findings probably generally align with the anecdotal observations of many lecturers.

It was interesting to note that the survey found, as have I, that international students tended to make more use of online resources and lecture recordings etc.

One of my colleagues was mentioned in an article in The Age today as being one opposed to the audio recording of lectures:

Monash's move to introduce integrated audio and video recording facilities was also mentioned. I do not lecture in any rooms where this equipment has been installed, but have seem a demo of the technology and it seems to function well and create file sizes that are not too much larger than audio only lecture recordings.

It remains to be seen whether students prefer integrated audio/video (the 'video' is typically lecture slides rather than the 'talking head' of the lecturer) that requires dedicated involvement, or whether the flexibility offered by audio only is preferred, as it enables students to listen as they travel, exercise etc.

The other point to be made is that the distinction between 'podcasts' and complete audio recordings of lectures is often not clearly made - but this is very important distinction.

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